Game Based Learning (GBL) Faculty Interest Group (FIG) – Notes from Meeting One
Wednesday, Sep 29, 2021, 1:50pm via Zoom
Grace Axler-DiPerte, Facilitator
Participants: Grace Axler-DiPerte (KCC BIO), Amy Haas (KCC BUS), Tom Lavazzi (KCC ENG),
Mary Ortiz (KCC BIO)
Meeting began at 1:50pm.
- Grace welcomed everyone.
- Grace shared that the Mollie Industria website is not working anymore. You get a warning that it may not be safe. Grace found it on
- Grace asked if we tried anything discussed previously:
- Tom tried Flippity and had a hard time setting it up.
- Amy used Monopoly “in class”. She was trying to find a version for remote. She tried working in Excel. There is a Monopoly version online for $1.99. She found a free game, not Atlantic City, but you can play it. She was trying to get students in groups outside of class (one is synchronous, one is asynchronous). The game she found is Business Game: Monopolist. A group can be divided in half and play against each other. The students make journal entries. Discussion followed.
- Grace had groups in Google Docs for asynchronous sections, so she did not have to coordinate.
- We discussed groups and games. Amy used data from Monopoly in a spreadsheet.
- Grace has students do a reflection on the games. She uses Flippity. She has students share a study tip. The Flippity URL is:
- Grace mentioned having students do collaborative flash cards. Each student creates a card so that the class has a whole set of flashcards.
- Grace showed us how to use Flippity to set up flashcards. Do not modify anything in blue. Grace has the students make flashcards for Bacterial Metabolism in her Microbiology class.
- Grace showed It is best for synchronous or in person classes. Kahoot is better for use in asynchronous classes.
- Grace went over the Flippity Randomizer (like spinning a wheel). She uses it in Microbiology to set up to see if conditions are possible. Discussion followed. In Flippity you can do concept maps with manipulatives.
- Grace demoed Google Jam Board (through the Google suite) using sticky notes (text boxes) as elements to arrange so that a concept makes sense in a flow chart. This can be used for doing ordered steps. You can Save/Share it like a Google Form. Discussion followed. You could also use PPT or Google Slides as “old tech” to do this. Let Grace know if you try this.
- We also looked at the following in Flippity: Word Search, Crossword, Hangman, Mad Libs.
- Our next meeting will be on Wed, Oct 20, 2021, at 1:50pm via Zoom. Grace will send out the Zoom info. (The 3rd meeting will be on Nov 17, 2021, at 1:50pm via Zoom.)
- Amy mentioned her FIG for tomorrow and the book, “Intentional Tech”, by Derrik Bruff.
Meeting ended at 2:51 pm.
Notes respectfully submitted by Mary Theresa Ortiz, KCC Bio