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Meeting Minutes Thursday May 31, 2018 at 11:30AM

Participants: Grace Axler-DiPerte (Facilitator), Mary Ortiz, and Michael Ortiz

  1. Resources: Previously gathered GBL resources can be found on CUNY Academic Commons in the Spring 2017 Folder.
  2. Michael discussed games he uses in his Sociology class.  Pictionary is used to introduce basic terms in preparation for more complex lessons.  Using about 15 minutes of class time.
  3. Mary uses games to stimulate interest and get students hooked on Biostatistics. Family Feud style games get faculty and students involved in co-designing the game.  Giving the students a competition to prepare for at the end of the semester can motivate their preparation.
  4. We discussed co-design and how peer judging and scoring can develop skills in students, and further engage the students not actively playing otherwise (in the manner of Apples-to-Apples).
  5. The FIG will continue in Fall 2018.

Meeting Minutes from Thursday May 3, 2018 11:30AM

Participants:  Grace Axler-DiPerte, Elizabeth Mulligan, Nicole Beveridge


  1. Nicole shared her experiences with Team Based Learning and IF/AT cards, Trivia games using analog methods and Quizlet are also helpful in her lessons.
  2. Elizabeth shared the results of her structure/function game developed in the previous meeting.
    1. Students were engaged and enjoyed participating
    2. Game would be better by refining the categories and adding pictures to make relationships between structure and function more clear.
    3. Used simple notecards to make the game, did not take much time.
  3. We discussed developing games to aid in “Deep Reading” and reading comprehension.
    1. Cut up reading and summarize meanings and have students make matches
    2. Students may write a passage for another team of students to interpret
    3. Scavenger hunts where students need to find clues or deeper meaning in the reading passages
  4. Next meeting will review results from these activities and look into ways to use games to stimulate interest prior to a lesson.

Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 29, 2018, 11:30AM

Participants:  Grace Axler-DiPerte (Facilitator), Elizabeth Mulligan

  1. We discussed a lesson for that was a bit dry and confusing to students.
    • Used Joe Bisz’s “Complex Mechanics” game cards to “gamify” the lesson.
    • Card sorting was discussed of pictures for structure, and words for function relationships in biology
      • Students can sort in teams to increase collaboration and discussion
      • Game could be made more difficult by using functions as sorting bins and pictures as materials to sort.
      • Game could go deeper into exploring a particular concept by changing the sorting bins and items.
      • Pictionary was also discussed as a good mechanic for exploring structure and function relationships.
  2. Discussion of ready made “educational games”. Why re-invent the wheel?
    1. We played a ready made game from “Genius Games” called Virulence. The game is themed around viruses, however did not provide much insight into the scientific concepts taught in a college level class.
  3. Next meeting will focus on follow up of how the previously brainstormed game worked in the upcoming lesson.

11-06-2017 Meeting Minutes

Game Based Learning (GBL) Faculty Interest Group (FIG) – Notes from Meeting

Monday, November 6, 2017, 12:40pm, M391

Grace Axler-DiPerte, Facilitator


Participants:    Grace Axler-DiPerte, Mary Ortiz

  1. Grace welcomed all to the meeting.
  2. Grace brought Pictionary, and we discussed ways to modify the game to adapt it for our classes.
  3. Mary brought the math version of “What’s Your Game Plan?” to share.
  4. We discussed the article, “Game Changers”, from Science, that had been posted.
  5. A notice will go out for our next meeting on Monday, November 20, 2017, at 12:40pm in M391.
  6. Meeting ended at 1:05pm.

Notes respectfully submitted by Mary Theresa Ortiz

09-27-17 Meeting Minutes

Game Based Learning (GBL) Faculty Interest Group (FIG) – Notes from First Meeting

Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 1:50pm, M357

Grace Axler-DiPerte, Facilitator


Participants:    Grace Axler-DiPerte, Mary Ortiz


  1. Grace did a welcome and spoke of a game she did via a BIO11 (A&P1) lab activity in the lab manual, “Which organ doesn’t belong in the list?” The game motivated the students.
  2. Sign up for the CUNY Games Festival 4.0 Conference. It will be Jan 22-23, 2018 at The CUNY Grad Center.  Sign up on the CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Games Network.
  3. Our next meeting: Monday, October 16, 2017 at 12:40-1:40pm in M391.


Notes respectfully submitted by Mary Theresa Ortiz

10-16-17 Meeting Minutes


Participants:    Grace Axler-DiPerte, Keston Boyce, Tian Cai, Devin Camenares, Mary Ortiz

  1. Grace welcomed all and discussed the purpose of the meeting – to pool resources, learn how to use games in the classroom.
  2. Grace discussed how this FIG came about – she and Mary wanted to create a metabolism game for use in microbiology. They also attended the CUNY Games Conference two years ago.
  3. Grace gave background info on GBLs where a whole course is a game, and on serious games that have a direct educational component. Games can be simple.  They don’t have to be complex.
  4. Last semester we discussed different games and how to incorporate them into our classes, regardless of subject area.
  5. Grace asked each of us to share GBL approaches we take in our classes:
    1. Mary (Bio)– spoke of games she used/uses, such as A&P Feud. Discussion followed.
    2. Tian (Math) – has individual competitions with “Catch my mistakes”. Discussion followed.
    3. Devin (Bio) – has done “Jeopardy” exercises and uses Chess. Discussion followed.
    4. Keston (ASAP) – is working with “at risk” students and looking for GBL ideas to engage his students. Discussion followed.
  6. Grace mentioned the article she had sent out to everyone on what you want your game to accomplish. She also went over the “What’s your game plan?” game we got at the last CUNY Games Conference.
  7. Grace distributed the sheet, “Game Development Organizer” and went over it. It is about how to develop a game.
  8. We discussed the idea of a 24-hour clock game (“Beat the Clock”) to help students better organize the time in their day.
  9. The CUNY Games Festival will be on Jan 22-23, 2018. You can join via Peatix.
  10. We can also join the CUNY Academic Commons games community. The gaming community is collaborative.
  11. More resources are the MIT STEP Lab, Sheller Education Labs For Teaching, and Tailblazer.
  12. We tried a couple rounds of Apples-to-Apples.
  13. A notice will go out for our next meeting. It will be on a Monday at 12:40pm.
  14. Meeting ended at 1:40pm.

Notes respectfully submitted by Mary Theresa Ortiz

Meeting Minutes 5-25-17

Game Based Learning (GBL) Faculty Interest Group (FIG) – Notes from Third Meeting

Thursday, May 25, 2017, 12:40pm, M378

Grace Axler-DiPerte, Facilitator


Participants:    Grace Axler-DiPerte, Loretta Brancaccio-Taras, Mary Ortiz, Shoshana Marcus

  1. We will continue this FIG on GBL in the Fall (2017).
  2. In the Fall we will take a different game format (ex. cards, boards, etc.) at each meeting and see how it can be adapted to each subject area.
  3. Loretta suggested providing the topic for each meeting; people are more inclined to come when they know the topic.
  4. Grace tried the game she and Mary created in her BIO51 class.
    1. The best 2 of 3 rounds won.
    2. Grace realized the sheet should be made larger.
    3. Grace asked students if the game was fun; if it was a good way to review. They said it was for both.
    4. Grace gave out pens as prizes (shaped like bones for BIO11 and Shaped like syringes for BIO51, respectively) as opposed to giving points so that there wouldn’t be unwarranted feelings about not getting points.
  5. There are many articles on using smart games.
  6. Shoshana said a friend of hers from Brooklyn College had a review article on serious games. She was going to look into getting it for us.
  7. Loretta tried a game in BIO50 on the topic of Fungi classification.
    1. Loretta gave out mechanical pencils as prizes to the winners.
    2. Loretta gave the students a completed sheet to study from when they were done.
    3. Loretta reported the students were too busy collecting cards to take notes.
    4. Grace mentioned a card game where students trade cards and talk using a work sheet.
    5. Mary said she might try something like this in Biostatistics next year.
  8. Grace: during summer 2017 she plans to play with Goose Chase and Taleblazer.
  9. Our next meeting will be in Fall 2017. Grace will send out a Doodle to determine availability.
  10. Meeting ended at 1:25pm.

Notes respectfully submitted by Mary Theresa Ortiz

Meeting Minutes 4-27-2017

Kingsborough Community College

The City University of New York


Game Based Learning (GBL) Faculty Interest Group (FIG) – Notes from Second Meeting

Thursday, April 27, 2017, 12:40pm, M391

Grace Axler-DiPerte, Facilitator


Participants:    Grace Axler-DiPerte, Loretta Brancaccio-Taras, Janine Graziano-King, Mary Ortiz,

Dawn Taitt

  1. Grace reviewed what this FIG is about – using educational games in the classroom; in or out of class activities; game must have a goal. A good game has: goals, an end, a way to keep score, motivation is important.
  2. We discussed flipping the classroom and games.
  3. Janine tried a game in her classroom focusing on “Morals are innate”. She wants students to see two sides of an issue. In her game, there were two student volunteers and each had a side. The object was to find the underlying moral (ex. “Fairness” for affirmative action). The students were engaged, saw different points of view, and figured out the moral. Janine is also using film in her course. She wants the students to see the both sides of an issue.
  4. Grace shared experience with someone cleared of murder by DNA evidence.
  5. Grace explained for any game, we need a well-ordered problem; then design the game with choices. The game doesn’t have to end; it could have a theme. Ex. “What would be your choices out of prison?” What do we want students to get out of the game? How do we accomplish this?
  6. Mary related the activity one College Now teacher did on the Pros and Cons of Fracking using a sheet with a group of 4 students where they have to pass the sheet around and write pro and con arguments on the issue, followed by class discussion of the issue.
  7. Dawn teaches World Music and has her students in the modules present music from their culture. Many students find they have more in common than differences. Students make friends; the lines blur. In Music Appreciation Dawn gives the students a map and tells them they are going on a trip. She has them listen to music. They have to go to a concert out of their comfort zone and write a paper using guided questions.
  8. Grace distributed a list of resources and recommended Tale Blazer.
  9. Grace explained how the game she and Mary made worked. It involves deductive reasoning. We then played the game. We discussed how to get students to thinkDawn suggested giving each person a part of the disease. Grace suggested giving students bacterial parts. Dawn suggested using a Smart Board to display the game.
  10. Grace went over the analog games website.
  11. We discussed a bingo-like game for world music.
  12. Grace shared that Sat, Apr 29, 2017 is National Table Top game Day.
  13. Grace shared what the CUNY Gaming Conference was about and what was learned:
    1. Joe Biszs web site; “What’s your game plan?”
  14. Our next meeting: Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 12:40pm in M391.

Notes respectfully submitted by Mary Theresa Ortiz

Meeting Minutes 3-30-2017

Kingsborough Community College

The City University of New York


Game Based Learning (GBL) Faculty Interest Group (FIG) – Notes from First Meeting

Thursday, March 30, 2017, 12:40pm, M391

Grace Axler-DiPerte, Facilitator


Participants:    Grace Axler-DiPerte, Loretta Brancaccio-Taras, Mimi Fierle, Janine Graziano-King, Mary Ortiz, Shoshanna Marcus


  1. Grace gave background on how this GBL FIG came to be:
    1. Grace and Mary had attended the Game Conference at CUNY Graduate Center.
    2. Grace’s original idea for a computer game simulation.
    3. At the CUNY Graduate Center conference we saw analog games.
  2. Grace posed the question, “Have you used games before?”, and everyone contributed to the conversation:
    1. Janine – No, she teaches in an IS link and is focusing this semester on “Fairness, Justice, Forgiveness”. She wants to make the class engaging and creative.
    2. Loretta – has a friend in Wisconsin who has created a nitrogen cycle game, but it is too complex.
    3. Mimi – uses games a lot in every class. She has Recreation Therapy, Physical Education and Sports Management students. She uses applied learning and ice-breaking activities. She places course content questions on a beach ball and the students toss the ball and answer the questions. This can be used as an icebreaker. Think how you can fit course content in. Her classes are 1, 2 or 3 hours.
    4. Shoshanna – has never used games, but wants to incorporate them into her classes. How can you put course content into a game? She explained the game “Sets”.
    5. Grace – used games in BIO11 with nerves similar to the game, Sets.
  3. Grace shared a list of links with the group.
  4. Grace shared the Joe Bisz cards and explained how to use them to create a game.
    1. Mimi uses role-playing for “come to my camp”, a game where students have to convince parents to send their children to a particular camp.
    2. Grace shared that Carlton College gives prizes of geodes in the Geology Department.
    3. Janine uses team-based learning prizes (ex. pencils for last place team, pencils and erasers for next team, pencils and erasers and pen for the second place team and pencils and erasers and pen and post its for the first place team).
    4. Shoshanna wants to do a “reading programming” game.
    5. Janine talked about fairness (equity vs. equality). Maybe have two teams with opposite views and have a referee to score. Maybe have more than one referee. Give one person a scenario to act out and students guess the motivation. Needed: a well-ordered problem, how to score, how to end the game.
  5. Grace – games are and active learning tool. She explained how Apples-to-Apples works and went through how to use the cards.
  6. Mary – provided the clock-chiming problem and told about the game “Rush Hour”.
  7. Games – how long should they be? How complicated? They can be simple.
  8. Our next meeting: Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 12:40pm in M391. Bring a concept for a game.


Notes respectfully submitted by Mary Theresa Ortiz